How Does the Internet Actually Work?

  No computer knows where any of the other computers are, and packets do not get sent to every computer. The information used to get packets to their destinations are contained in routing tables kept by each router connected to the Internet. Routers are packet switches. Share

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के तपाई इन्टरनेटमा केटा-केटिहरुले के के चलाउने हुन् भनि चिन्तित हुनुहुन्छ ? अब केटा-केटीहरुलाई के के चलाउन दिने हो आफै निर्णय लिन सक्नु हुन्छ | समाधान हामी संग छ ! त्यसका लागि हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्नु होस् – ग्रीन एज टेक्नोलोजिज प्रा. लि. सिद्धार्थ चोक, पोखरा. ०६१-५२६०९२, ९८४६०३०१८४, ९८५६०८७६५४ Share

Why a Website is Important for your Business

A simple question, what is a website? In its bare form, a website is a single domain that consists of different web pages. We should all know that by now, but surprisingly what we don’t all know, is the benefits a website can provide for your business and its shocking to witness how many business…