Say Goodbye To Windows Vista And Ubuntu 12.04

It’s time for Microsoft’s Windows Vista and Canonical’s Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to say goodbye to us, as their makers have prepared for their exit. As per the scheduled plans, Windows Vista will stop receiving extended support from April 11 and Ubuntu 12.04 will reach its end of life on April 28. According to an announcement,…

How Does the Internet Actually Work?

  No computer knows where any of the other computers are, and packets do not get sent to every computer. The information used to get packets to their destinations are contained in routing tables kept by each router connected to the Internet. Routers are packet switches. Share


Many a times We Delete Messages, Photos or Videos from our profile which is not intentional but once we do , we can not undo it. and its gone forever. But wait, There is a saying: Nothing is Lost, until MOM can’t find it, Likewise in this case even if you delete anything from your…

How to Repeat YouTube Songs

YouTube has one of the largest video databases present on any site. So it’s pretty much the go to site if you want to listen to your favorite songs. Now most of us start to like a song and then get addicted to it so we listen to it again and again, until the song…

Tips for Wireless Home Network –

 Fix Connectivity Issues- It sounds crazy, but 95 percent of all Internet connectivity problems can be solved by power-cycling both the router and the modem. Turn them both off, and then turn the modem back on first. Once its “sync” or signal light comes on, turn on your router. Use Encryption- You’ve probably heard this…

Stay Safe on Internet Browsing. Please read this carefully

Use strong passwords  Along with strong malware protection, creating a proper password plan is probably the most important thing you can do to protect yourself online. A strong password usually should have at least 8 characters (the longer the better), with a mixture of upper and lower-case letters, numbers and, if the site or service…

Safe Home

के तपाई इन्टरनेटमा केटा-केटिहरुले के के चलाउने हुन् भनि चिन्तित हुनुहुन्छ ? अब केटा-केटीहरुलाई के के चलाउन दिने हो आफै निर्णय लिन सक्नु हुन्छ | समाधान हामी संग छ ! त्यसका लागि हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्नु होस् – ग्रीन एज टेक्नोलोजिज प्रा. लि. सिद्धार्थ चोक, पोखरा. ०६१-५२६०९२, ९८४६०३०१८४, ९८५६०८७६५४ Share

Why a Website is Important for your Business

A simple question, what is a website? In its bare form, a website is a single domain that consists of different web pages. We should all know that by now, but surprisingly what we don’t all know, is the benefits a website can provide for your business and its shocking to witness how many business…